Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Giving Up Control for Lent

"Let go, let God."

We've all heard that familiar saying, popularized by worship circles, charismatic meetings, and retreats in Christian churches all across America.

What does it mean, really?

I'm setting out to find out this Lenten season.

Instead of worrying about not having a job and how I'm going to make ends meet while I try to pursue my lifelong dream of getting a college degree (which will be challenging enough in it's own right), I'm going to "let go and let God."

I agonized for two weeks prior to Lent about what I was going to give up for the forty days. Last year, I said I was going to give up cursing. I never made it through Ash Wednesday. Up until two weeks ago, I couldn't much see the point of making sacrifices. I mean, haven't I lost enough already? My job, my livelihood is gone and I am still mourning that and feeling more than just a little angry with God at present.

I decided I would give up chocolate since I've done that before and got through it with just a little temptation, nicely resisted. I still felt like I was short-changing Jesus, who didn't lose a job--but rather gave up his life, for me, on the cross.

Jesus said, "Your Father in heaven already knows what you need." He says, "Let today's troubles be sufficient for today."

So, I decided to give up on giving up. I'm going to practice perseverance and stick-to-it-iveness.

This Lent, I'm giving up control. I'm giving my circumstances over to the Lord.

I'm letting go, and letting God.

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