Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Newbie to Blogging

Well. Now, I've gone and done it. I've joined this whole blogging scene and somehow I don't think my life will ever be the same.

I don't really have a topic for this first blog, other than to say: "Welcome to my crazy mixed up life!"

Here I will attempt to write about the things that interest me: writing and reading, Science Fiction and Fantasy, my faith walk with Jesus Christ, weather, and how these elements combine (like the weather) or sometimes contrast to create the unique amalgamation that is myself.

It won't always be perfect. Perfection is something I've yet to attain, in any area of my life. But I can promise you it will be different.

If you don't find it entertaining, or if you find my religious views offensive, you don't have to stay. I won't fight with anyone, so you'd be wasting your time and keystrokes flaming me about anything you read on here.

Critiques of the work I post here are gladly accepted and considered. Let me know if you like something, if you don't or if there would be anything you would change to my material. Tactful suggestions are greatly appreciated.

That said, welcome to my blog. Hope you like it.

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